Read&Write for Students - Annual Subscription

Subscription Plan: Read&Write for Students - 1 yr. Subscription
Sale price$175.00 CAD

Helping every student achieve their full potential. 

Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work. The easy-to-use Read&Write support tools give students extra help with reading, writing, math and science. They’re accessible on a wide range of devices to equip students with the tools they need to succeed on their academic journey.

These tools help students to learn, understand and express themselves more confidently and independently, with features to support learning across all subjects and levels.

  • Create more independent learners
    Help students to study, revise, proofread and increase their understanding. Useful tools in Read&Write such as highlighters, voicenotes, vocab tools (allowing you to read what I type for example), audiomaker and more help students to study smarter, more independently and to a high standard.

  • Motivate students to learn
    Struggling learners can use the tools in Read&Write to gain motivation and support to make progress in their learning, helping them to express themselves with increased fluency and confidence, improve their reading and comprehension skills, and build their engagement in learning as a result.

  • Help students to study smarter
    Provide students with digital resources to scaffold their learning. Vocabulary and definition resources, activities, study guides and MP3 versions of current resources are easily created with the tools in Read&Write.

  • Support students with learning disabilities
    Help students with learning disabilities, literacy challenges and those students who have IEPs. Read&Write allows them to understand and engage with the content of every lesson alongside their peers.

Read&Write is available for Windows, Mac, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, iPad and Android. Students can use Read&Write on their laptop, tablet or Chromebook.


Read&Write for Google Chrome: Supported on Chrome for PC, Mac and Chromebooks. Also can be used with Office 365

OrbitNote: Included with Read&Write for Google Chrome. Supported on Chrome for PC, Mac and Chromebooks. Can be used with Google Classroom, Schoology and Office 365

Read&Write for Windows: Installed locally on PC. Supported on Win 7, Win 8, Win 10

Read&Write for Mac: Installed locally on Mac. Supported on OS X 10.7 Lion and higher

Read&Write for Microsoft Edge: Chromium extension for the Microsoft Edge browser

Read&Write for iPad: For use on tablets only. Supported for iOS 8 and higher

Read&Write for Android: For use on tablets only. Supported on Android 4.1 and higher

• Text-to-Speech reads on-screen text out loud. Great for proofreading and to give tired eyes a break
• Check It reduces writing errors with an advanced grammar, spelling and homophones checker
• Word Prediction intuitively predicts word entry, helping employees to maintain focus and flow
• Screen Masking with reading pane reduces visual stress and improves focus
• Audio Maker converts large documents into MP3 files for listening on-the-go
• Highlights allow you to collect information with automatic source referencing. Summarize and compile information quicker
• Voice Notes allows employees to provide detailed feedback much quicker

Read&Write for Windows
The minimum requirements for running Read&Write for Windows are listed below:
• 1.6 gigahertz (GHz) or faster x86-bit or x64-bit dual core processor
• Windows 8.1 or above
• Windows 10 for online speech recognition
• 2 GB RAM
• 2 GB Free Disk Space
• Speakers, Sound Card, Microphone (for speech input)
• Internet connection for certain features
Read&Write for Windows is not fully supported on Windows 7.

Read&Write for Mac 7.1.5
• Compatible with OSX 10.11 to 10.15
Read&Write for Mac 7.1.4 is fully compatible with Big Sur OS 11
Read&Write for Mac 7.1 is fully compatible with Mojave 10.14

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